Now that I'm getting older I have decided to make a permanent home for my telescope. As having to lug my heavy Meade 10" Schmit Newtonian out side every time I use it is not going to get any easier in the future.

So here I'll be blogging all the trials, tribulations, successes and failures (of which there will be many I'm sure) of building an astronomical observatory from scratch.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Home Improvments

Hi folks, It been a while but I've been make a few internal improvements to the Fochabers Observatory. Had my first descent observing session the other night and it all worked better than expected.
Been doing a bit of Solar observing too today.

Hopeing to open up tonight  for a lengthy session fingers crossed the clouds stay away.

I think you'll agree that the observatory is looking good in the early autumn sunshine and not to out of place in the garden.

  As I said I made a few improvements, the other night I found my eyepieces were dewing up allot so I decided to make a heated eye piece holder, from a spare vivarium heater and some wood offcuts I had lieing around.

First I nailed the heater to a blank of wood, being careful not to hit the elements which formed the base.

I then built a box around the base making a hole for the wire exit the box.
Next was to attach a bracket to allow it to be fixed to the observatory wall. It may seem a little long but you'll see why in a moment.
I topped the box with some tongue and groove leaving a small opening at the back to place other items in Camera lenses etc. Using a cone cutter I holed out five holes to fit my eye pieces in.
I had space for five eyepieces in the end which is more than enough including the one in the telescope.
Here it is all set up and ready to use in the observatory, a few screws on the bracket makes a handy storage area for some other items.
Not bad for no cost huh? Any how it's getting dark outside time to put my thermals on and get to the eye piece.

Clear skies people.

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