Now that I'm getting older I have decided to make a permanent home for my telescope. As having to lug my heavy Meade 10" Schmit Newtonian out side every time I use it is not going to get any easier in the future.

So here I'll be blogging all the trials, tribulations, successes and failures (of which there will be many I'm sure) of building an astronomical observatory from scratch.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pier & Mounting Plate

The 160mm soil pipe I ordered from Ebay arrived yesterday, so tonight I after work I decided to cut it to the right size and place it in the hole to see how it looked. Not bad even if I say so myself. At the moment the  pipe is in my shed with a coat of primer on it ready to be spay painted black tomorrow. I'm hoping to have it cemented in by the weekend (weather permitting), as I'm of to hire a van tomorrow to collect a cement mixer from a good friend in Kinloss.

I also redesigned the mounting plate again tonight, by placing some spacers between the level adjusting nuts and the pier head, (brake disc). This will   make it allot easier to level the head when it is cemented into the pier.

 A close up of the leveling bolts and spacers

I think you will agree that the disc look better know it's spray painted in mat black.

1 comment:

  1. Hi peter,
    Really enjoyed the pic journey, thank Hazel for me, if you would.
    One cool project man.hope you have some glorious nights with your setup.

    Loved the brake disc idea, aint seen that one before, is it drilled and tapped or welded ?

    Brilliant !!

